Prior Lake Magazine - Business Profile

Prior Lake Magazine - Business Profile

“Homeownership is still the best dream to come true and it builds stronger communities. Focusing on my clients and the community is what fuels my passion.” - Kelly Overgard

Don’t let the market deter you from your home ownership goals. Let’s strategize!

I work with our clients during all stages of home buying - first time, second home, right size, investing and more.

I love to plan with our clients so that we are ready to make the moves when you are ready. Right now, is a good time to get started. Even if you aren’t going to immediately purchase a home, I want to hear from you.

To read more click on the link.

Housing starts hit highest levels in 16 years

Housing starts hit highest levels in 16 years

Here's this week's roundup of news and resources, just for you.

Quick takeaways:

  • New construction starts break records during 2021.

  • Find out which digital ads are bringing you more sales.

  • Get the picture on real estate agents' photo and video budgets.

  • Why some millennials are postponing their next home purchase.

  • Three strategies for writing prospect-pulling marketing copy.

Read on for our coverage.

Impacting the world – one sale at a time

Impacting the world – one sale at a time

Here's this week's roundup of news and resources, just for you.

Quick takeaways:

  • Real estate brokerages are making a difference in their communities.

  • ASL helps agents serve their deaf clients.

  • Virtual inspections provide valuable insight to agents and buyers.

  • Warm up cold calls with the right script.

  • Real estate agents say they're happy with their careers.

Read on for our coverage.

Global conflict impacts U.S. real estate market.

Global conflict impacts U.S. real estate market.

Here's this week's roundup of news and resources, just for you.

Quick takeaways:

  • Mortgage rates bounce as markets react to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

  • What day of the week is best for scheduling listing photo shoots?

  • Get -- and stay -- organized with these five business systems.

  • More Americans are partnering with non-spouses to buy homes.

  • Does punctuation matter in text messaging?

Read on for our coverage.

Real estate reality vs. reality TV

Real estate reality vs. reality TV

Here's this week's roundup of news and resources, just for you.

Quick takeaways:

  • Builders turn to 3D printing to create affordable housing.

  • Increase your website visitors with these three strategies.

  • Four tips for launching a successful real estate career.

  • Residential construction employment sees a steady increase.

  • Five hidden truths about home improvement shows.

Read on for our coverage.

Accentuate the positive for first-time homebuyers

Accentuate the positive for first-time homebuyers

Here's this week's roundup of news and resources, just for you.

Quick takeaways:

  • Three ways to ensure a positive experience for first-time homebuyers.

  • Google is making privacy changes to its Chrome browser.

  • Create virtual tours that help turn prospects into buyers.

  • Second home rate locks rose in late 2021.

  • Achieving financial freedom starts with small steps.

Read on for our coverage.

A Silver Lining for Baby Boomers and their Families amidst the Affordable Housing Crisis

A Silver Lining for Baby Boomers and their Families amidst the Affordable Housing Crisis

In the midst of the affordable housing crisis, there are still some silver linings to consider as the close of 2021 is near and the future of the housing market remains a bit volatile. On the one hand, anyone age 57 or older should be elated since numbers show we are living longer, healthier lives on our own. This means we are staying in our homes longer and the decision making when it comes to assisted living or nursing homes can wait a few more years. In fact, over the next 20 years, the number of people in their 80s and 90s living at home will dramatically increase as the first baby boomers reach age 80 within the decade. Read on for more.