Are you speaking your clients’ language?

Here's this week's roundup of news and resources, just for you.

Quick takeaways:

  • Changing language in the real estate industry.

  • Three tips to get the perfect headshot.

  • How video can be a useful tool in real estate marketing.

  • Lay the foundation for a long real estate career.

  • Automate repetitive tasks for more time in your day.

 Read on for our coverage.

Real Estate Industry Language is Changing to Be More Inclusive

As times change, the language we use must change as well. The real estate industry is eliminating outdated phrases and replacing them with more inclusive and sensitive words. Here are a few terms to include in your listings:

  • Master (Bedroom or Bathroom)
    The word "master" has been predominantly replaced by "primary" or "main".

  • Bachelor Pad
    Smaller dwellings designed for one person are better described as "cozy" or "compact" to recognize households of all types.

  • Within Walking Distance
    Include the mobility-challenged with details about the distance to local destinations. For example, "The home is three blocks away from the grocery store".

  • His and Hers
    Two vanities in a bathroom or closets in the primary bedroom are better described as "double" or "dual".

  • Handicap-Accessible
    Use the word "accessible" to describe properties with amenities designed to accommodate everyone. 1

Three Tips for a Great Headshot

You use your headshot everywhere, including social media, your website, business cards, etc. Put your best face forward with these three tips for getting a great photo:

  • Hire a pro
    A professional photographer can suggest the right backdrops, guide you through flattering poses, and help you select a wardrobe for your shoot.

  • Get multiple headshots
    The same image doesn't work everywhere. Get shots with different backdrops, clothing, and poses.

  • Smile for the camera
    Studies show we see people who smile as more honest. Evoke a warm, trustworthy persona by smiling in your headshots. 2

Is Video Part of Your Marketing Plan? It Should Be.

Move over, still photos: Video marketing is taking over the real estate industry. Agents are turning to video as a staple in their marketing strategies, using it to tell a visual story about their listings to potential buyers. They're also harnessing the power of video to educate and entertain their audience, talking about everything from the home buying and borrowing process to home maintenance topics.

While shooting videos is easy, many agents struggle with learning how to do it or finding the time to edit and distribute them effectively. If you have the budget, it can be more efficient to outsource these tasks to someone experienced in video production. 3

Build a Lasting Real Estate Career

Whether you're new to the industry or a real estate veteran, one of your goals is most likely to enjoy a long-term career. Here are four areas to focus on to lay the foundation for a thriving future in real estate:

  • Make yourself referrable
    When you consistently exceed clients' expectations, they'll be excited to refer you to others.

  • Become financially savvy
    As a real estate agent, you're also a business owner. Put a financial strategy in place.

  • Manage your time wisely
    Implement a consistent schedule and systems to make the best use of your resources. Outsource where you can, and eliminate tasks that aren't moving your business forward.

  • Always be learning
    Set aside time to learn about the latest techniques, and sharpen your skills in the areas of marketing, selling, and client service. 4

Gain Time Back in Your Day with Automation

Automating repetitive tasks can give you more time to focus on serving your clients. Fortunately, most customer relationship management (CRM) platforms make it easy to automate tasks like sending e-newsletters and email blasts, tracking correspondence, and organizing your listings. Some tools even make it easy to manage follow-ups with leads by sending automated, personalized messages at predetermined intervals. While it may take some time up-front to put the automation in place, they'll save you time and create more efficient processes for you in the long run. 5

Have any questions? Reach out to us. We are your home loan experts and are up to date with all the market industry information.

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Sources: 1;   2;   3;   4;  5