Channel Your Inner ”Nice Guy” for the Best Results

Here's this week's roundup of news and resources.

  • Learn what to expect from the spring housing market.

  • Get the top social media strategies that generate leads.

  • Know how to channel your inner "nice guy" and get ahead.

  • Find out the ways to keep client relationships harmonious.

  • Understand the path forward in today's changing market.

Read on for our coverage.

Expect a Calmer Spring Housing Market

While there will be competition for move-in ready homes with 2023 prices, you may not see the same crowds that packed open houses in 2021 and 2022.

The main reason: mortgage interest rates that are currently hovering at 6-7%. Fortunately, this will be balanced by growing home demand from Millennials who are now in their late 20s to mid-40s. Sellers who price their homes competitively should expect strong offers in their first weekend on the market, while buyers in affordable areas will experience competition. Housing prices are also forecast to inch higher throughout the spring and into summer. 1

Five Social Media Techniques That Generate Leads

Creating new ways to generate more leads, close more deals, and make more money should be top of mind for every real estate agent. Here are five tactics that will help you put some proven social media techniques to work for you.

1. Leverage Local Connections.
Make sure you connect with your local community. Create content that speaks to potential clients in your area by covering events like festivals and concerts.

2. Feature Video Content.
Video is the fastest way to connect with future clients and creates a lasting impression. BombBomb and Vidyard are two popular video apps. Also, posting on Vimeo instead of YouTube means that competitors won't run paid ads on your content.

3. Master the Art of Titles and Captions.
Your posts' titles and captions are critical. Weak choices won't get seen as they won't be picked up by search engine algorithms. In addition, they won't trigger the right emotions to encourage click-throughs.

4. Test and Track Results.
Measure results by testing and tracking your content. This tells you what's working and enables you to create harder-working content.

5. Keep It Consistent.
Post regularly to keep your followers engaged. Don't forget to respond thoughtfully to all comments and messages as quickly as possible. 2

Three Ways to Channel Your Inner "Nice Guy"

Success in any business is not only about having the best tech, marketing strategies, or industry knowledge. Being a thoughtful partner who's easy to work with can unlock many new opportunities.

Here are three ways to channel your inner "nice guy" for the best results with buyers, sellers and prospects:

1. Be Cool.
Real estate can be stressful. One of the few things you can control is your reaction to adversity. Stay cool and kind when situations don't go as planned. Remember that taking a moment before you respond can pay real dividends in the future.

2. Know the Power of Yes.
Try saying yes even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone. This enables you to experience something new, and may foster creativity and innovation. Ultimately, these two qualities will help you stand out among the competition.

3. Embrace Compassion. 
Remember that clients don't just care about what you know. They also want to understand how you can help them. Exhibiting compassion and collaboration will make you easier to work with, and can take you to the next level in your career. 3

Building Empathic Client Relationships

It's important that your clients know that you understand their feelings when they're stressed and emotional.

When this happens, take a step back and put yourself in their place. This will help you choose the best approach to communication during this time. Keeping all parties updated is another way to build client trust. Always copy everyone on emails, give clients a timeline of what to expect, never assume everyone is sharing information, and be careful to effectively balance communication when dealing with divorcing clients or angry heirs. Remember to also apologize sincerely if you make a mistake. Showing clients that you're there for them, even during rough times, can make all the difference. 4

In The Know

Unlock Opportunities in a Changing Housing Market

Worried about how our evolving market may impact your business? Don't be!

Although it's a challenging time to be a real estate agent, there are still opportunities for growth and success. You can thrive by developing the right skills and knowledge. Since people still need to move for a variety of reasons, there's plenty of business available right now, and as springtime arrives. Take the time to expand your expertise to find, convert and close additional leads. You'll be able to service your clients better and help them find their best options. Ultimately, this will prepare you to take on future challenges and opportunities that come your way. 5

Have any questions? Reach out to us. We are your home loan experts and are up to date with all the market industry information.

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