Prior Lake Neighbors Magazine - Meet the Oak Group!

Meet the Oak Group! By Joyce Corey, Prior Lake Neighbors Magazine

What makes the difference between buying a home and successfully financing it?

Choosing the right mortgage company and professionals to guide you through the process.

The Oak Group at Kevnik Mortgage has over 35 years' experience in this industry and an infinite amount of expertise and encouragement to share. This, combined with the solid history of Kevnik Mortgage, adds up to over 100 years.

The acronym, OAK, introduces this team of home loan experts: O for Overgard, A for Alex, and K for Kelly. Together, this mother and son are on a mission to navigate options and find the best financial fit for their clients.

"Our goal is to empower and educate our clients on home financing opportunities," Kelly Overgard said. "We want to give our clients all the tools they need to be successful and that is one of the many ways we give back when we are focused on our clients' success."

The Oak Group specializes in residential mortgages for 1-4 unit properties. They have products for primary residences, second homes and investment properties.

Kelly's knowledge, gleaned from 35 years in this field, gives clients a thorough overview of every aspect of a mortgage.

"I was a mortgage underwriter for 20 years and later, a trainer," Kelly said. "Not only do I understand the principles of mortgages, but I am able to explain these concepts clearly. It is our goal that all our clients fully understand the process. Because we respect them, we will even tell them when a mortgage is not in their best interests. We strive to position homeowners for success even if that means waiting."

Alex joined Kelly two years ago in this business, but he was pretty much raised around mortgages.

"I bring my background as a project manager in the commercial construction industry and my technology skills to the Oak Group," Alex said. "This, combined with my mother's extensive experience, ensures the best and most productive client interactions."

Both Kelly and Alex have a vision that is even greater than helping people through the mortgage process and into their own homes.

"We have a passion for giving back to the community, especially with a 'boots on the ground' approach," Kelly said.

The Overgards actively support the Hugs from Hunter Foundation, a non-profit group started by a family member after a tragic accident. The goal of this organization is to provide comfort to children in crisis by delivering teddy bears and blankets. (For more information visit the website

Kelly and Alex also believe in lifting up other businesses and partners.

"Most of our clients come to us through personal and business referrals. We are blessed to work with family and friends of past clients," she said. "A strong network of businesses keeps the community healthy. In addition, Alex works with young entrepreneurs to encourage and guide them forward."

Kelly admits to being a problem solver, and she offered a quick description of an option that may help families. It is an example where her underwriting experience pays off.

“As parents are living longer in their homes, we find more of them unable to afford the cost of housing. We have a mortgage where their adult child can purchase a home for their parents with the same low down payment and interest rate as a primary residence (even though the borrower/child will not live there).”

Kelly and Alex would be happy to explain that in more detail, as well as other home financing opportunities.

Whether it's helping affluential clients overcome documentation challenges for jumbo financing, business owners with negative COVID impacts or helping first-time homebuyers and clients navigating challenging situations, The Oak Group at Kevnik Mortgage wants to empower and educate people.

As Kelly says, "We want to position our clients to be in the right time and the right place for their success."

Besides obtaining the best financing option, everyone who talks to Kelly and Alex Overgard will gain a level of confidence that is truly priceless.

The Oak Group at Kevnik Mortgage can be reached at 952-913-7797. Connect with them on social media or visit their website: Their Prior Lake office is located at 16180 Hastings Ave, #301 Offices 2&3.